>>2830040There's a video on YT regarding Graham's Number. It briefly touches upon the heat death of the universe.
In short; if the universe does indeed 'die' a heat death, then that's not necessarily the absolute end of all creation. Matter an antimatter will continue to live without light, without solids, liquids or gas and if the universe came into creation once through the big bang- its completely plausible it can happen again - and, in fact, has probably died and been reborn an infinite amount of times already.
>^^^^ We're only talking about THIS one universe here thats part an unmeasurable multiverse of an infinite amount universes with an infinite amount of heat deaths and an infinite amount of "big bang" incidents each.I personally believe all the above is relevant to our own consciousness (Multiverse Theory and Graham's Number), coupled with the theory that consciousness and physical law exist because of each other and for each other. I believe that when our physical self dies, our consciousness continues on in another universe from a different set of possibilities, maybe even a different time line all together.
>"Hurrr durr what was is like before you were born.. Hur hurrr" What was it like when you were 18 months old bedshitter?? You don't remember, do you? But it happened. Your weren't 18 months once.
You don't remember your past life because consciousness does not need to store data of previous physical life. Consciousnes exists to observe creation. Without any conscious observer, how does the universe even exist?
>Matter>Antimatter>Energy.The 3 main LEGO pieces for the construct of creation. They all share a similarity; they cannot be neither created nor destroyed- they simply exist in one form or other. A tree- once dead -rots and eventually over time becomes part of the soil and over time crude oil which is then turned into fuel by us humans which then turns into emissions and becomes part of the ecosystem. Same with energy.