>>16373558>What is their ultimate mission?It's all a Cosmic Joke
"Remember it's all a game"
"Everyone dies, but no-one actually dies"
"Don't fear death, because you are already half dead"
It's just another war
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_vCalHNZFIStar Of David/Morning-Star/Seal of Solomon is an Upwards pointing Triangle (As above) Downwards pointing Triangle (So below)
“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul” ― Hermes Trismegistus
3-The Mother is Matter/Form/Earth/Gaia (Binah) (Yin) Binary Digit (0) - Ketu
6-The Father is Energy/Fire/Sun/Sol (Chokmah) (Yang) Binary Digit (1) - Kasyapa
9-Both are the same at the end (Dao) Beyond Binary ( ∞ ) - Kether
Positive Polarity [+] (Hight369) ie 4th/5th/6th Density thinking (Find the Link-Inteligent/Dinosaur)
Love Force [+] Positive Frequency 3
Truth Force [+] Positive Energy 6
Soul Force [+] Positive Vibration 9
Negative Polarity [-] (Low369) ie 3rd/2nd/1st Density thinking (Find the Link-Retarded/Dinosaur)
Hate Force [-] Frequency 3
Lie Force [-] Energy 6
Ego Force [-] Vibration 9
*Warning use Positive Polarity [+] Codes only toward Positive Allies/Supporters to Repel/Defend the Negative/Darkness/*
Positive Polarity can become Descension Codes if you protect the Negative/Darkness/
>*Can be used as Descension Codes if protecting the Negative/Darkness/Hate/Evil*Positive Polarity [+]
Hidden Ascension Code = Compassion
Hidden Ascension Code = Forgiveness
Hidden Ascension Code = Love
*Warning use Negative Polarity [-] only against Negative Foe's/Enemy to protect the Innocent*
Negative Polarity can become Ascension Codes if you protect the Innocent against the Negative/Darkness/
>*Can be used as Ascension Codes if you protect the Innocent against the Negative/Darkness/Negative Polarity [-]
Hidden Descension Code = Mercilessness
Hidden Descension Code = Vengeance
Hidden Descension Code = Hate