ArKade leaves a medical check which confirmed no lingering injuries from her Slaughterhouse match with Ash Romero, she notices a flyer as it becomes detached from a noticeboard, and drifts to a fall at her feet. She picks it up and raises a brow as she looks it over. Truth, justice and hot cocoa? Well, a mug of hot cocoa was always nice. But never using ‘bad words’? Good deeds? Vitamins? Prayer?
ArKade chuckles to herself. Who wrote this? Was blud tripping? ArKade skips to the end. Contact Winter Girl? Former WWA Intercontinental Champion Winter Girl? ArKade’s chuckle grows into a laugh. She had got past Curry Girl and Ash Romero. But now a chance to target another former Intercontinental Champion was presenting itself.
ArKade flips the flyer over, looking for contact details, only to find none. She scowls, but spots another flyer a few yards ahead. Come to think of it, these flyers weren’t present when she traversed this corridor earlier. Which meant Winter Girl was still near.