>>20074702> In another example, script (glyphs) tablets have been found a century ago in India, belonging to the Harappa culture (2600-1900 BCE), which have not been interpreted yet. They depict glyphs similar to those of the Vinča script and the Tartar plates discovered in Romania in 1961, as well as on Old Serbian and Bosnian stećci. All of those scripts are still waiting to be deciphered. At the same location in India, in 1923, a figure of the White King was found, most likely depicting the founder of India's first dynasty the Kurus. The king is wearing a cloak embroidered with the Trefoil motif, which along with the stećci containing the same motif makes for the oldest heraldic representation of the Trefoil in the world. According to the Indian epic Mahabharata, the Kurus dynasty "ruled the entire world".It really does make you wonder. Balkanoids all have heavy Scythian DNA whereas high caste Indians only have a splash. Metallurgy found as far as Assyria and the Middle East are comparable to those found in Bronze Age and earlier Balkans. The vinca script predates aramaic which itself predates Hebrew. Massive immovable stones in the Balkans bearing similar iconography in Ireland, Kazakhstan. The Swastika.
If I was a cult trying to control as many people as possible, I would say you 3-4 countries are a bunch of stupid animals who have never accomplished anything and then claim your ancestors creation as my own to prove a fabricated origin myth. Then I’d get any historian who disagrees to be labeled a conspiracy theorist.