>>16456898Ever hear of the tv show "the biggest loser"?
They promoted diets, exercise, and "healthy" weight loss, but whistleblowers came out and told the press that the way they were able to show such an amount of weight loss in the relatively short time they did, was that the contestants exercised for hours every day, and were on a caloric restriction so extreme that it would be considered starvation in any prison in the world (300 calories a day, or less).
After the regimen, they used body tights to compress all the loose skin.
Many of the contestants put the weight back on after the show.
You could do this for quick weight loss, but the key would be to go on a keto diet after the losses, and keep watching your caloric intake, even with keto.
Exercise alone will not cause much fat loss, but it will help if you are also restricting calories.
Doctors will tell you this is "unhealthy", but they're wrong, it is exactly what your body is designed to do.