>>6511518Nothing infuriates you more than a frog thread or deleted anime thread, and it's entertaining to me as all get out that you're going to be seething in that overwhelmed office chair of yours whenever a staff member reminds you of who actually controls the board. Has it hit you that you were just a useful idiot the past two summers? You were given a controller so you could play with the mods, but it was disconnected the entire time. They handed it to you as if they were appeasing an overly excitable 4 year old brother, and now that you're old enough to understand that you weren't playing at all, it's made you angry. So angry. Angry enough to spam the report queues. Angry enough to actively flood /bant/. Angry enough to be a member of a bumpcult for threads few cared about. There is no greater lolcow than the average /bant/tard. At least you can take solace in the fact that you're providing endless entertainment to the real community. You're a shitposter's wet dream and I don't doubt that essays will be written about you and your mental instability. You'll be a case study. A stark reminder of what can happen when a parent takes their hands off the wheel and allows the internet to raise their child for them.