>>12493280They are a new race, so they have no cultural heritage; they neither built the beautiful Spanish cathedrals nor the pyramids. They are an unholy mixture of both Europeans and natives, a condition which spreads the attributes of both races thin in between them and thus nullifying both. Mexico is a Spanish colony, nothing of native society survives, so they operate within the Spanish caste system which places whity at the very top, that and the almost universal preference humans have for fair skin over dark skin make up their desire to be whiter. The natives have been ostracized from society since forever and have been bred into a midget sized pseudo-slave caste of ppl. The mestizos (the majority of Mexicans i.e the mutts) are equally divided between those of a higher European admixture and those with more “indio” in them. Then there are the whites, who are almost always high or middle high class (mostly Spaniords), they are, like most ppl of said cast in the world, monotonous and monochrome in their universal lack of culture. All of these ppl are brought together under the flimsy label of Mexican, with which a white Spaniord confidently claims the Pyramid of the Sun as his cultural heritage, as well as a dark skinned 1000000th generation gardener or trash man can claim the Cathedrals. Since this is all based on circumstantial materialism without any deeper meaning they can even claim pride in literally nothing, again, just because it's Mexican. Mexican=good, even if it's an embarrassing mediocrity, which is often the case, but since they are widely uneducated by design, how would they know any better?