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First, I'd reinstate The United States of America might across the Globe. It's due time that we get back on track and demand the respect we once had, it's awfully tiring when we're made to be a joke time after time again. I'd enforce strict policy in all countries occupied by the US, be it an active war-zone or not. We'd be free to do what we want, when we want, on your soil as by agreeing to our occupation you're nothing less than a mere puppet.
We'd become your step father; You may not like us but you will respect.
Second off, I'd clear out all means of Anti-Americanism on both sides of the spectrum. I don't care how "red-pilled" you are, if you're Anti-American then you simply don't belong here and would do better elsewhere. This goes for all regardless of political stance, friendship, race, ethnicity, and so forth.
And finally, this is a nation of frontiersmen and colonists who came, saw, and conquered all that stood in their way. We ought to return to those values. Why is it that the United States falls behind Europe and Eastern Asia? It's simply unacceptable. Get your shit together, lose the weight, educate yourself, get a wholesome job, raise a family, and do what your heart desires or you may as well start packing your bags.