>>19695675K-Chan stumbled backstage, exhausted.
>Ah...ah...ah...I...I..did IT!She breathed heavily before exclaiming and pointing at the camera.
>Oh shit gimme a sec.She pulls out her phone and starts a Tweetstagram stream, pointing the camera at herself with a smile.
>Anyway we're dual broadcasting this shit! Lemme tell you all about some private conversations that happened recently. ME, K-CHAN the INTERNET ANGEL! Has been in talks to be in the Divine Angels! That's right, #KChanforDA was a resounding success! Sorta! Anyway I think Priscilla was still kinda sus on me, but I think I must've impressed her tonight! And I owe it ALLLLL to me and how fucking talented I am! Oh and uh...how much you all supported me or whatever. ANYWAY LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SUB TO MY LONELYFANS!K-Chan yelled at her phone, ignoring the WWA camera pointed at her.
>Hehehehe Akane, you can try all the mind games you want but they won't work on me! I have a 89 IQ! That's like, almost 100! So clearly I am above all you non-DA plebs.K-Chan exaggeratedly waved her hand in a dismissive fashion.
>You dojo dorks are losers. You've been holding me back. Your apartments suck ass and all you tell me is "ooooo you shouldn't flip here" and "oooo you shouldn't use the ropes for leverage." FUCK THAT! I am the hottest rising star in this company, which means multiple things, just look at my tits, but NONE OF YOU ARE ON MY LEVEL! I'M THREE MATCHES IN AND I'M ALREADY BEING ACKNOWLEDGED BY THE WORLD CHAMPION! I AM THE GOAT NEWBIE! FRFR NO CAP I AM BUSSIN LIKE YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE ONG!K-Chan yelled at phone, until halfway through she changed direction to the camera.
>So! Maybe I should screw with some of those dojo dorks...anyway, like, comment, subscribe, sub to my Lonelyfans, buy my merch, tweet my posts, fuck you, I'MA GET LIT TONIGHT TO CELEBRATE!K-Chan yelled at the camera before walking off. Once she was quickly off camera she opened her texts.