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Who did the research about that some prescription drugs are causing damage to the eggs and sperm of people, so their kid turned out a man with a female hormone defects.
Who found out that some hormones have gender transforming effects and mess with your brain/body/dna/hormones etc.
Who did the research of GMOs causing possible mutations in the body and turn people gay?
There are 3 fields in America where you have lesser laws compared to other countries.
You guys must start an interdependent research and/or start a farm without all these bullshit GMO/hormones and medicine.
There needs to be a revolution and only one rich person has to begin to make a new brand of healthy food and not the Monsanto and other bullshitters fucking with our food.
We need to stop supporting fastfood brands and premade supermarket shit.
Tell your friends that premade supermarket shit and fast food is for degens. Slowly massage the thought of bad food is cancer in to their maggot brains.
I don't ask you guys to become vegans, I ask you guys to eat more natural and IF you have the money, start your own food brand and produce some healthy cows and grains.