Church of hahaha noice
I - Gas the kikes race war now
II - No masturbating
III - you MUST use WD 40 as lube for fapping.
IV - no work friday night for miller time
V - kek
VI - 3D women aren't important
VII - If your flag have colors other than red, blue or yellow, you cannot leave your home
VIII - you must browse r*ddit at least once a day. It will humble you
IX - everyone must wear dope masks and robes
X - And we must also pray to the West every time the sun sets.
XI - Alright fuck you then Argentina is black
Benito Mussolini
Gentleman horses
All women attending ceremonies and services must come prepared and be ready to wet themselves if given the signal.
Temples are bathhouses, bathhouses are temples.
You must be 18 years of age or older to worship.
Clothing optional but discouraged.
Main public bath is where services are given,
secondary and private chambers including saunas, mud baths, super hot baths, cold baths, etc are all confessionals or clergy-only areas except by special exemption.
Sacrifice traps to the sun whenever there's a total solar eclipse.
Joining requirements:
any gay men must baptize themselves in period blood before joining
You must be uncircumcised,
any man under 6' MUST pass a mandatory penis inspection prior to admission to any given service.