>>18897943>>18897947The Bubblegum Crisis sisters exchange a glance from behind the DJ booth and confer with SHEE6 and Valari about the proposed slumber party.
We've danced the night away--
>Played our best jams--And now, the night grows long--
>The hour grows late--And the club is closing--
>And they've made the last call.>We don't have to go home-->--but we can't stay here. We'll go where you go!
>We'll follow your lead!Candy and SHEE6--
>--Lollypop and Valari.....In a Slumbergum Crisis!
>In a Bumblebum Party!Wait, that's not right.
>Wait, that's all wrong.But who cares, let's go!
>No matter, lead the way!