>>10432613I'm talking about actual effects and history in the world.
If you don't understand why I say "it doesn't matter if the jews of today are fake or not" consider the following.
There is a homosexual fag who shoves a broken bottle of glass up his ass, fully intentional because he's a 100% serious and genuine faggot.
Then there's someone who shoves a broken glass bottle up his ass ironically, because he's gonna be internet famous and will get rich of all the clicks.
One is the genuine faggot, the other is a fake faggot.
But both have the same ruptured colon.
Same with the jews.
jews of today are fake wannabe poseurs?
Well, Christians still nurtured and protected them, without Christians doing that throughout the last 2000 years, there wouldn't be the jews we have right now.
I claim they have always been the scum we see today.
You claim they are wannabes who slipped into the faith to subvert it or something.
But that doesn't matter, it doesn't matter because Christians helped them in either case.
The result is exactly the same.
We have the jew plague in the west because of Christianity.
it was never subverted because that was its goal.
Having a carrot on a stick and a punishment if you don't obey was just that, means to an end.
Just like today.
If you love faggots, you are virtuous and good.
If you hate faggots, then you're evil and bad.
If you love jews, you are virtuous and good.
If you hate jews then you're evil and bad.
it's just to rationalize something.
To coexist with jews while they attack you.
To coexist with fags while they dilute you.
You ain't getting no heavenly reward, but also no hellfire.
Because that's not what christianity is about, even if many people behave that way.
There is no christianity that saves the west, the west is not the west anymore because of it.
It's a cesspool of jews because of it.