As you keep searching, you finally spot something.
You see a tree that has been shot, burn marks left on it suggest Arume weapons.
There might be more nearby.
The Arume squad leader scowls slightly.
Arume: "We're taking you alive. Would you rather be dead?"
The Arume with the restraints cautiously stops as you step backwards.
Georgia: "I-I don't know... But, we could probably find one by following any main road. There's one to the east that would take us away from where you directed that Arume."
She blushes and covers her chest with her arms.
Alyona: "Eh?! Y-you wouldn't..."
Then, you hear someone walk over to the tent and unzip it.
Looking over, you see Jun in the tent's doorway with a face like pic related.
She doesn't say anything and just slowly zips up the tent.
Alyona: "W-wait!"
You hear Jun run off and loudly speak to Faith.
Jun, from outside: "F-Faith, I'm going to sleep you and Lyla tonight, o-okay?"
Faith, from outside: "Huh, what's gotten into you?"
Jun, from outside: "N-nothing, I just wanted to, uh... sleep with... You."
Alyona lets out a sigh and rolls onto her back.
Alyona: "Sh-she probably got the wrong idea..."
Valerie licks your hand after you compliment them, while John stares at a tree and the rest look at you with emotionless faces.
You catch a glint from it under some rubble in front of you.