>>17928715- 38, been getting NEETbux since 2009.
- Decent looks, White.
- Own my land, house and truck.
- $1,400 a month in NEETbux for life.
- Invest in my Vanguard Index Fund every month with disposable income.
- Free health insurance via Medicare and Medicaid for life.
- Bachelor degree in Accountancy completely paid for by Vocational Rehabilitation.
- 65 degree air conditioning year round paid for by the Low Income Energy Assistance Program.
- $280 a month in Food Stamps which I use at Costco to buy filet mignon and lobster.
- Hook up with young White Trash QTs in the Appalachians then absorb their vitae which keeps me looking and feeling young.
- All the free time I could ever want, ever.
All this because I saw how rigged the game was and refused to be a apart of it. But I still had to survive so I did my homework and faked my way into getting the government to pay for my entire life.
Am I rich? Absolutely not.
Am I genuinely happy with my life? Yes.
Am I comfy and still get the occasional luxury? Yes.
Are traps gay? Without a doubt.
You could never do what I've done because you're a coward and couldn't be bold to save your life.
I chose to be free and enjoy life while you chose a life of servitude and self loathing.