>>18407530>>18407530As long as you use the bathroom sink and not the kitchen sink. I've been doing this for every bathroom I get to when I piss. Even consider having a urinal but sink is easy since is leveled to my balls and I can was my dick not only after peeing but after sex. I don't like a stinky toilet or having yellow stains to it. I would never sit on a toilet peeing so sink is a good way to go. My girlfriend got used to it and its actually less piss stinky in our bathroom. Works for both people. Sucks for manlet people tho. Having to was your dick after peeing, sex or a sloppy blowjob is the best thing specially if that sink is leveled on your balls. Also, hands free, never have to worry about overshooting pee. I just let my dick slumped on the edged of the sink and let it out like a man with my hands on my waist.