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I don't mind, I'd like to talk also.
Though truth be told I have never actually used that program.
I have thought about getting it before many times but it seemed pointless because I didn't really wanna connect with anyone because, well, it never ends well, especially for me?
I told you how I am dealing with certain issues but I think I will resolve them soon, maybe it will only be a matter of weeks?
This whole shutdown has kind of made that harder, though really its my fault I didn't push myself to resolve it before then.
Its kind of a unique time for me also you're really the only one I have talked to about this stuff, not that I talk to many people (understatement), you'd probably find it funny if you actually knew how things have been because its so... yeah.
But yeah.. I still want to wait until then for us to talk, so you can actually get to know me and not just.. you know.
I feel bad saying this though because I like you and part of me is like "why did you even talk to him in the first place if you felt that way you idiot" and he is probably right.