Quoted By:
>be me
>be in draguiniant
>something like 2003
>middle school
>some kid start listening to slim shady
>a month later
>the kid took eminems song first degree
>now homophobe and mysoginistic
>start "acting cool"
>he asked every girl to suck his dick
>1 actually accept
>be 10:30 (play time or whatever its called in english)
>they both go in the bathroom
>me ,my friend and 2 other people notices and follow them
>they are in the bathroom stall
>she bites his dick
>see bloodgetting out of the stall
>yo wtf
>he runs out at fucking lightspeed
>we look in horror in the stall
>she has blood all over her face
>turns out she was fed up wit him and decided to give him a lesson
>-the dick was almost in two
>mfw the guy has to go the hospital for a month
>mfw i whitnessed a fucking attempted murder
>mfw she gets expelled and had to get a mental evaluation
>mfw her parents only take her vidyas away for a month
< you don't comeback the same after that