Do you want to twist a knife in the belly of this Leviathan we call the modern world? Muh elections, muh free market, muh legal system, all false Messiah spirits that serve to keep you imprisoned in a cell that is built by false hope in others. Know what you do actually control, yourself. Look within and connect all pieces of your soul: the childish part that likes juvenile humor, the dark part that wants to flay the pedos in charge, the gentle part that is kind to animals and children, the feminine part that secretly likes taking bubble baths with candles, the muh Chad part that lifts and picks verbal fights for the sport, and the rest are all you. You are paradox, many personalities sharing the same mask and the "I" is the tard wrangler that tries to combine them all.
Look within with non judgemental honesty, raise an army from within your soul, and you become ungovernable. There is nothing the parasites can do to a complete self, you gain the ability to walk through locked doors. The Jews feeds on misery and death, say "Yes!" to the world and wage All Out Life.