>Pero que...Raquel couldn't believe her eyes. The locker room leader and official presiding the room was none other than Uma Stacey Addams, also known as Miss USA. Someone who had made a career out of war crimes and aggression. Someone infuriating, someone despicable, someone like her.
>Judge Adams, let me present myself. My name is Raquel Durango, and I've chosen the smartest, most impressive woman of justice available to defend my case, defend my honor, and bring to light the horrendous events that happened on the fatal night of the B1 Climax Final.>I will be representing myself in court. I need no lawyer.>First, let me start my case by stating that I am accusing that slanted eye pendeja that is hiding behind that table like the maggot she is of the following: Hate Crimes, Battery, Aggravated Assault, Vandalism, Disorderly Conduct & Disturbing the Peace.>My intention today is to bring justice to Reina Aoki. That's why I will prove all the previous charges one by one systematically.>Let's begin with a recap of the events of that night.Raquel turned around and faced the jury:
>As I said I was just coming back from what was supposed to be a splendid night for La Jefa.>A night in which I, el centro de atencion, choked out as part of my duties as a luchador, a Japanese woman with a corazon as small as her brain in Kasumi O'Brian.>Someone I heard works for a druglord...alongside another Japanese woman.>And what a coincidence...hat like that worm over there, Aoki, is Japanese as well.>Anyway>After being showered by the adulation of the millions and millions of waifu maniacs who love love love La Jefa.>I will admit, I was a little excited, so as the carefree bundle of joy that I am, I entered backstage bringing the feria due to my hard-earned victory.>I entered dancing and singing.>Because that is the kind of person I am.