>>5706037Says the wh*Te pig. Your ancestors needed blacks to teach their stinky wh*Te asses to bath you subhuman monkey.
>>5706041>>5706044>Non blacks can survive on the hot screeching sun of the desert without black skinshieeet nigga. Yo wh*Te ass sure is dumb as fuck bruh.
>>5706042>>5706052The ancient romans were black you dumbass cracker. All of the Mediterranean was black. Until wh*Te devilz came in and destroyed civilization.
>>5706046My ancestor :')
>>5706047shieeet. You know he ain't never told a lie nigga.
>>5706053>>5706059>>5706063Literally all the paintingz by wh*Toid subhumans of moors depicts them as black. Yo wh*Te ass ain't foolin no one cracker.
>>5706055>The absolute state of wh*Toid mental capability>>5706058Humans made it to space thanks to black contribution to and foundation of civilization you cumskin imbecile
>>5706061wh*Te devilz iz who they be
>>5706064Yo lies ain't gon work no more wh*Tey
>>5706066Unironically true