Intelligent design is provable beyond a reasonable doubt because mathematics are discovered, not invented. Mathematics is the code with which the program of reality is written, thus necessitating a developer.
For those that cannot reconcile the idea of a god they cannot explicitly prove, consider the following anecdote: the origins of the number i.
In medieval Europe, mathematicians would compete against one another to solve seemingly impossible problems. One such mathematician discovered a trick that enabled him to solve these problems quickly. He realized that if he could take the square root of a negative number, he could turn these "impossible" problems into something easily solvable. Despite the fact that taking the root of a negative was "impossible", he simply defined sqrt(-1) as a number: i. Later on, as complex number theory was developed, we realized that not only was i very much "real", but the discovery of the complex plane greatly helped our understanding of reality.
This applies to spirituality at large, and specifically to the existence of a creator. Just like imaginary numbers exist on a plane we cannot readily perceive, there also exists a "magick" "spiritual" plane in our reality that we cannot readily perceive, yet it is very real and is intimately connected to our perceived reality.'s the IR pill because it's so red you can't see it.