I mean it's not like I spam the whole board like some posters
it's not like you have to post in every thread
if you want to argue about the certain topic I'm afraid short posts would degrade the integrity of said topics; it would just be a circlejerks where we compliment each other's dicks without giving any genuine criticism which would be a shame given how genuine criticism can only really prosper on anonymous platforms
if you're data mining long posts are again great for you as they reveal much more of the detail
if you're tasked with monitoring me then I'm afraid the leasurely life of alphabets invading my privacy is not in my interest or occupation
>>11857328no it isn't, thats just a scam marketed by alchohol businesses- just like the immense lobbies regarding cigaretes
nicotine in small doses and seldom usage is a great nootropic, but inhaled regularly in cigaretes with all kinds of added shit and MAOinhibitors naturarly found in tobacco become serious problems in a month of usage
as for alchohol all it does in brain is inhibit activity, which is great if you can't stop thinking, but it's a GABA A agonist, which just makes it worse, if you want inhibition just take phenibut (which is a GABA B agonist)... but don't take it every day
hell only alchohol with genuine benefits is red wine as it has a nusproduct which lowers bloos preassure, but the alchohol still goes heavy on liver... unnecessarily so
theres really nothing good to be said about alchohol, you don't need it... but I guess you don't want to leave it
It took a seizure to get me clean, who knows what will take for you to go clean