Quoted By:
Please see the itemized list below for things that are unfunny and embarassing on /bant/ so you can avoid posting in them:
>canadian animal roleplay threads
>any form of blog thread/tripfag social thread
>reddit cat threads (k*t)
>any kind of id get thread or dubs thread
>low quality drawfag autist frog oc
>cirno bumpcult threads
>anime girl coomer threads
>anime girl threads with throwaway one-liner OPs just to take up catalog space
>anything with a touhou OP
>anything fumo related
>dt threads
>anything related to russia/ukraine ceckoldry
>anything moved over from /pol/
>anything with that polish retard having a shitfit
>essentially any threads that have tripfags posting in them
>any general that isn't /dag/
>any thread where Normie is trying to groom people
>lets just dial it back and say anything with anime in the OP
>hungarian bottom faggot with shaven legs