>>10113410I'm an astrophysicist. My time to shine.
Most stars exist in the dense arms of the Milky Way or in clusters. This makes disruption of the dust disk around the stars a common occurrence. This impedes the formation of planets or at least it makes it a slow and chaotic process. That's the first problem.
Say now you have a free star which can exist alone and form planets calmly. 80% of these stars are Red Dwarfs that have chaotic surface temperature profiles. This means that your cozy 15°C average temperature planet (like Earth) will have some years at 80°C. That's not an ideal situation.
The coincidences for the formation of planet with the adequate balance of water prescence, atmosphere thickness, a rocky surface that allows good chemistry and a quiet interstellar neighborhood are a tall order.
So life is rare.
Now, given that life is rare, now imagine that this life gives away into an intelligent species, capable of improving technologically. That, I feel, is the biggest hurdle.
Thanks for reading my blog.