>>19567388>Now, let's talk Cupid's Chokehold. I don't know if our match will be before or after or during the show, this company's booking is like a plate of spaghetti at times.>If it is, then I guess I'm already booked once.>But that won't stop me from entering my name on the wheel of blind dates.>So whoever spins the wheel, if you land on me, you may as well spin again. You don't have the mental skills or the dexterity to compete with me.>Go on, pray you land on Hope-Again or something. >And if you land on one of the Divine Angels?>Just know I'm going to be there in their corner, cheering them on.The video ends, and is posted on her new social media handle: @ShowSomeSpirit. As she scrolls her feed, she sees that she's missed Amy's big match. Shit! Had she been in the store THAT long? She was going to go out and manage her to ensure nothing happened. She plays it back, and sees that Sola didn't attack Amy after. That's good. She shoots her a text
>>19567240>Hey AMY! It's Jen!>Got my new phones!>Sorry I couldn't be in your corner for your match>They took their sweet ass time transfering all my pictures over to the new phone.>Probably saw all the nudes of us angels together and went to go have a fap LOL!>Love ya Amy! And thank you so much for all the work you did trying to communicate with me. You're the best!She sends off the text, before messaging Nikki
>Hey NIKKI/COCO!>Sorry, I don't know who will see this lol. It's Jen!>Saw your lambo parked at the mansion still but didn't see you. Priscilla asked about where you moved to, but I didn't know you had moved out.>I hope it wasn't because I held you back from attacking Carmody.>I was just trying to help keep some peace.>I hate seeing my friends fight, but Priscilla...>She seems more interested in her new friends over the ones that have been there for her.>Anyways, shoot me your new address if you still want to talk to me! >About that cupid's event. Wanna enter as a tag team draw?