>>2942048The feminist from the "Sis fist!" napokoyanno spodali nokia. Boat and at that time she decided to go to the cottage for a fiche, open the box, in which one should lie, and there ... not one at a time! A whole lot of nails! "This can not be happening," the author said, "I really remember how I went to the middle of me to read a couple of clean little things. I went, opened the box, and pushed it into my eyes. They were there. They were! I've even more pointedly looked at them, they were in a box! "
Feministka, of course, podymala, that this is who has pulled them: either my mother, or daddy, or ceppa, which is the next, that is not yet in custody. But why do they need this? Yes, and when they ycpeli? Bchepa papa pozdno vechepom zabral ceptpy c vpikona, domey them vernylis yzhe pozdno, when the femi lezhala in kpovati and trepeped in the fisting with the c comp.
Mom chto it? A her zachem? She is more than all pactrated, that's why she must go to the storehouse again, to spend her dues on the net!