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fuck this country fuck the founding fathers and fuck rebelling against england i wish we never gained independence this country was a mistake the biggest one in history no where else suffers as much as we do
here are the fucking reasons why everywhere is better than america
It physically impossble to suffer in this beautiful region you wouldnt last a day in the us you guys cant even handle working over 3 hours a day
>great cities
>beautiful women
>all cancerous chemicals are fucking banned
>everything is locally grown by a family
>industrially made food doesnt exist
>no pesticides no preservatives
>no goyslop because free healthcare
>no flouride
>healthcare great
>never have to work
>great benefits and services
>best education
>no obese or fat people around
>great transportation
>dont need a car
>never be in debt or broke
>everything is cheaper and higher quality than anything in jewmerica
europeans live in heaven and eat from a silver spoon while living on a ivory tower
East asia
>great cities
>great food
>high trust society no stealing
>work less hours than most americans
>greatest education in the world
>no fat or obese people
>beautiful women
honestly east asians suffering is a fucking giant ass joke
>you can buy a house cheap
>can raise a family with 200 dollars
>dont have to go to school to be successful
>can be a neet
>beautiful women
>dont have to do anything
>caring families
>crime rates are a meme probably better than most us cities
>more freedom than america