>>16679793Good god the Kvetching in this thread is real, kikes and meme flags screeching about this then pulling up there larp bullshit about the Egyptians being niggers and shit, like look see this image showing people who are clearly of southern European, or Levantine extraction clearly shows the Egyptians were black. or her look this image of a clearly blonde mummy doesn't count!!!! REEEEEEEEEE.
NIGGER if the mummies hair is blonde and even if its dyed blonde that clearly shows who there trying to emulate either there trying it emulate whites in which case there civilisation revered whites or they are white and they were trying to appear youthful again.
Also, there upper cast were undeniably Aryan given there dna so what most Egyptians weren't its called an Aryan invasion, where the upper caste is white, and the lower cast is not.