>>18180659You have to understand these books as representatives of a cycle of ages that is ever-changing.
The age of Taurus, represented by the bull, would be pre OT.
The ending of that age is foretold when Moses comes down from the mountain with the Law and kills those who are worshipping the calf idol.
The age of Aries begins with the Patriarch giving the Law and the sign of the ram would dominate the new religion.
This age then ends when the veil of the temple is rent upon Christ's crucifixion and thus begins the age of Pisces - rich with the fish symbolism, even done to the Pope hat.
We are entering a new Aquarian age now, that will again see the changing of the gods - through the Christian perspective, this will be the age of the Holy Spirit, and church will become irrelevant, as each man will hold the Spirit within himself.
We're not there yet, but we're close.