>>6967286the black sun Is a somewhat difficult issue. My best guess is that it isnt so much meaning our sun. while our sun is the material source of life, giving heat and light for plants to grow enabling all the other life, the black sun (as i believe) is the spiritual source, the divine spark, the source of our divine concioussness. probably the holy spirit, God. Since its round (edgless) its also the opposite of the black cube (edgy). This is a good alternative theory
http://www.horusset.com/RIKB/bsastro.htmIt describes that the Black Sun is the second focus point Saturn revolves around in its elyptical pathas its black sun (according to this there is one for every planet) is the first one being outside of the earth orbit. Being the invisible counterpart to our Sun kind of fitting my take of it
>Mystic and psychoanalyst Carl Jung wrote about the Black Sun or Sol Niger as it pertained to psychology in his alchemical works. The psychiatrist and pioneering LSD therapist Stanislav Grof relates an anecdote of a client who spontaneously experienced a vision of the Black Sun during a session of holotropic breathing. He subsequently associated the symbol with the "core self" of the client, the hidden radiance underlying the "manifest sun" or ego. The alchemist Jean Dubuis, in a lecture before the Philosophers of Nature stated that "this black sun of Saturn is the one that emits all the mystical influences of Saturn. And at that time chances of contact with eternity are maximum." This is the meaning behind Crowley's reference in the Book of Thoth: "According to an ancient tradition, the sun is also black."many say its directly saturn, it may is, i dont really know to be honest. but i dont think the black sun and the black cube would be the same as they are rather opposites (edgy and round). if it is indeed the spiritual influence of saturn, saturns sun, then it may represent spiritual corruption and death as the planet is material