>>19743820>Trumps house is covered in Apollyon stuff, if he isn’t a Freemason he is obviously infatuated with their ideology to do such a thingTrump is a Jesuit. In the 4th order, Jesuits are allowed to take special assignments from the pope that would otherwise go against the teachings of Christ, up to and including the practice of satanism. The Black pope, the leader of the Jesuit order, is the secret pope who the white pope is the mouthpiece and errand boy of. Jesuit symbology and mysticism is basically a carbon copy or Freemasonry with a little Kabbalah sprinkled in. The Jesuite order was a driving power house of the Corona Plandemic as they have become (or alwys were) fully aligned with the globalist in their goal to bring global communism lead by a one world government.
All this has been revealed and discussed in detail by Archbisho Vigano, one of the last people alive who is truly in the know, still aligned with god and all that is good in the world, and openly speaks about it to the people.