>>17110366the combine forces left on earth are retarded, theyre just the guys left to guard whats essentially a trophy on the shelf so they suck dick. its like theyre there just so they can have something to do. they may seem like a lot but for the main combine body its literally nothing
this is basically the only reason the resistance has any chance against them, whatever was used initially to take earth over you never see in the game
>>17110413this is true in some form
one reason theyre kind of interested in humans still is cause of the borealis plot, i dont recall very well but humans figured out some form of teleportation different from their own that the combine couldnt, so they wanna figure out how to. since portal and half life are in the same universe they basically want the shit that aperture has so ya
though i think its something they can do without so they still dont care that much for humans
iirc more so than intelligence its said that the combine just never came across any civilization that had as much will to put up a fight
also the reason they raped humanity so hard wasnt only because they had bigger guns but because they studied earth beforehand so they just teleported in on every major military area or some shit and wiped them out before there was much of a chance to mobilize
and even if humans were equipped to fight back, its just that they had much much more resources and could keep throwing shit forever probably until they simply won
>>17110460and this kinda happened
spoiler for epistle 3 if u havent read it
basically gordon and the mob finds borealis and they decide to use it as a weapon to fly the ship into the combine homeworld in hopes of doing some damage
they hype it up to be their ultimate secret weapon and the plan works but the thing is that their homeworld was so fucking large and advanced that a freighter exploding into a building meant nothing, like a pinch at most