This suggests that a collision occurred between Estonia and another ship. Some claim that this was caused by a submarine...
If this is so the question becomes, why did the submarine not call in the accident? What could possibly be more important than saving 800 civilians?
It is believed that during the 90s a hidden trade of military weaponry was transported between Estona and Sweden with Estonia finally being free from the iron curtain. And that civilian ferries were used to transport the goods. If this is the case, did a Russian submarine "accidentally" crash into the Estonia? Was a Swedish submarine escorting the ship in secrecy and crashing into by actual accident thereby causing the Swedish government to recall the submarine without reacting to not spark world wide controversy?
MS Estonia sinking in the Baltic Sea between Sweden, Åland, Finland and Estonia was one of the worst maritime disasters of the 20th century. The second-deadliest peacetime sinking of a European ship, after the RMS Titanic, and the deadliest peacetime shipwreck to have occurred in European waters, with 852 lives lost.
If there is anything which could spark a conflict in the baltic sea... this is it /pol/... this is it.