>>6518696>This is a cut and dry self defense caseNo, it's not.. it just seems like that at first glance until you watch the video a few times while being objective. Mattress is a set near 7 feet so being you can see it the guy is at least 8+ feet away, with a bat when the first shots from the father go off.
Then oh look, it's HIS FUCKING BACK being turned towards the shooters as he is running away. Then some pussy bat throw and oh hey the son who is at least 12+ or more feet away from a now unarmed man with his back turned guns him down.
When the medical report comes out he was shot a bunch of times in the back and/or it's the shotgun blast the killed him the shooters are pretty fucked. Maybe a jury can get a hold out but other wise, the back being turned on film is pretty bad when you claim self defense, as he falls facing away and dies.