>>21313068Reminder that Rome started to kill Christians under Nero, who married a jewess
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poppaea_Sabina>Poppaea Sabina (30 AD – 65 AD), also known as Ollia,[1] was a Roman empress as the second wife of the Emperor Nero. She had also been wife to the future emperor Otho.> The historians of antiquity describe her as a beautiful woman who used intrigues to become empress.[2]>Tacitus and Suetonius portray Poppaea as an ambitious and ruthless schemer. The Jewish historian Josephus paints a different picture. He calls Poppaea a worshipper of the God of Israel and writes that she urged Nero to show compassion to the Jewish people. In one account, Josephus shows how Poppaea advocated for the Jewish priests when an issue was brought before Nero by Herod Agrippa II, who was the Tetrarch of Jerusalem, concerning a wall that was built blocking Agrippa's view of the temple. She convinced Nero to not order the Jewish priests to tear down the wall and to leave the temple as is.[10]supposedly he himself converted to Judaism.
Note there arent any roman laws against jews before Christians led rome.
I would also add that I cant find that quote online in the archives either, so a source would be neat.
Further Hitler at least disliked Himmlers Völkisch ambitions greatly, and even though I believe them to be greatly exeggerated, Himmler was later declared a traitor.