>>12558846And now it's dead.... I have the worse timing. Is it that hard to think of a request?
>>12558907Ehh it's fine. I would have stayed up anyway. Are you still sore now?
>>12558917That's good. So then he probably hasn't died from it. I wonder if they like Moona too....
Oh so having multiple cars and large homes doesn't take more resources? I don't think most rich people are okay with living in small apartments, are they? It isn't just about their personal spending either. They are responsible for the waste their companies create as well. Do you think they're satisfied with where they are? No, they will do whatever it takes to climb further, no matter how much harm it causes to others
>I don't care about that, I care about not having this place overrun with the real dealWait, do you mean transphobes or tranners? There's really nothing to draw them here either way. It's not nearly fast enough for that. You said /pol/ used to not take things as seriously even when it came to casual racism. Why is it you only have a problem with this and not that?
>There are other things I'm not comfortable withSuch as? It's about who I am. I like it in some ways and not in others. You know I'm not one to do that. I mean what I say. I mean... at least when it comes to things like this
>It's not eroticaYou're telling me you read other things too? That's a surprise
>Why not?I think it takes the focus away from what I find cute about them. Namely the clothes. I like the cute dresses and stuff.... The faces are secondary especially since they're usually somewhat generic compared to the outfits
>That only makes me want to do it moreWhy can't you take this seriously? It's really not much to ask for....
I literally said I would be leaving in my last post, why were you surprised.... I made that tuna you told me about. If I could have done it differently, I would have used a bit less pepper and cooked it for just a few seconds longer. But it still turned out very good nonetheless