Zombie general;
The stoned ape theory is wrong and here's why;
Bit of prereading!
Human dna is 50% related to fungus:
>Stamets explains that humans share nearly 50 percent of their DNA with fungi,https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2019/01/28/mushrooms-fungi-disease-beesOphiocordyceps Unilateralis fungus is responsible for zombie pathogen outbreaks in insects;
>Zombie-ant fungus Fungihttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophiocordyceps_unilateralishttps://youtu.be/yVoNEVJgHBE?si=D7EnLbhU12bPyYmi [Open]
Stoned ape theory is bogus, the research I have provided proves the opposite to the statue quo of the theory given by philosopher's terrence mckenna. The truth is that fungus causes the 10 deadly sins to manifest in a person's body, and was responsible for the witch trials and hunts in Europe where people were put to death in giant open fires.
>The methods of torture involved devices such as thumbscrews and branks (an iron muzzle). Accusations of witchcraft spread rapidly as, under torture, suspects provided the vivid details and names they believed their interrogators wanted to hear.https://28dayslater.fandom.com/wiki/Rage_VirusIf all evidence of zombies can be collected it shows a common situation. That rage, confusion, madness, flesh eating and over sexualised behaviors manifest in those that engage in eating fungus.
And fungus is in bread.
Google; yeast fungus
The zombie apocolypse is happening very slowly.
To save yourselves you must avoid all funguses. To clean yourselves you have to drink listerine cool mint mouthwash, because if it transitions the gut brain barrier, it can cause a lot of problems.
For those that haven't seen the movie, picture related is from the movie 28 days later.
Thread theme;
https://youtu.be/c8QNTsOJ1kc?si=dR4UVQknMThY4fEG [Open]
All zombies eat flesh. And as you can see with modern society, you are too. I only realised all this today.