>>11129780According to Paul you need to believer 4 things (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 )
1. Christ died
2. For our sins
3. He was buried
4. On the third day he rose
Mate your belief in an afterlife apart from resurrection denies 1 and 3, let me show you why.
Gen 2:7 KJV,
7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man BECAME a living soul[nephesh].
Without that soul you are still a man. When Jesus died his soul died [spirit + body = soul],
Souls Can die (Ex 21:23, Ez 18:4,20,) When you die your soul dies. All that is left is Spirit and body
Consider this
1. When Christ died, his "spirit" returned to God, its source (Luke 23:46), ALL spirits at death, including Jesus's go to heaven (Ecc 12:7) and his body was entombed (Matt 27:59-60).
2. After his death, Christ was always said to be wherever his body was, not where his spirit went (Matt 12:40; John 19:33, 40, 42; Acts 2:39, 13:29; 1 Cor. 15:3-5; cf. John 11:17, 43-44).
3. Therefore, Christ, the person, was constituted by his physical body, and not by his spirit.
4. Consequently, Christ had no existence as a human person in a so-called "disembodied state" between his death and resurrection.
The bible identifies Jesus with his body, not his spirit. Also not just Jesus but everyother dead person with their body and not their spirit. Consider King David.
Mate we know that David did not ascend into the heavens (Acts 2:34 ), even after the resurrection of Jesus, we know that King David spirit is in heaven through Ecclesiastes 12:7, and we know that King David is buried in a grave somewhere in Israel (1 Kings 2:10 ). The only conclusion we can reach is that King David is not his spirit (since his spirit is already in heaven) but he is his body, and he is still on earth.
You are your body, when you die you cease to be a soul and become a dead body.