>>10034801Every Pagan religion is based off of the tale of Noah and his family surviving the deluge on an Ark. Pic related is the egyptian Ogdoad led by a patriarch named Nu. A-nu, Vish-nu, Ma-nu, Nu, Noah. Odin, Buddah, Saturn/Cornus, as well as thousands of other pagan deities are Based off of Noah. Pagan spiritualism thought that the Cabiri (the family on the Ark) were one set of survivors from an infinite succession of worlds. They believe the world has eternally existed, and after each destruction there is one set of Gods who emerge from the water and restart life. They attribute this to reincarnation as well, and the eternal recycling of souls. The stories of Adam and Noah are combined, because they see Noah as a reincarnation of Adam. Unfolding the story of pagan idolatry is a lifetimes worth of study. Atheists aren't even smart enough to make arguments with citation from the bible, they haven't even begun to think about doing any relevant research. God used to intervene near the beginning of creation, and now he doesn't. It's as simple as that.