>>15821004anon, if you defend leftism you defend billionaires, because that's what they do and want
they transcended ideology and it's a game of billionaires using leftists politicians and vice-versa while the People keep paying taxes for this game and living from panem et circenses
Communism nowadays strives from the Stalinist path: he just adapted Fascist Economy
>1) Under socialism, the means of production (factories, industrial facilities, machines, tools and labor) do not have private owners. They belong to the state.>2) If the means of production belong exclusively to the state, there is no genuine market among them.>3) If there is no market between them, it is impossible to form legitimate prices for these means of production (which includes labor wages).>4) If there are no prices, it is impossible to do any cost calculation.>5) Without cost calculation, there is no profit and loss calculation, and consequently there is no way to direct the use of means of production to meet the most urgent demands of consumers in the least expensive way possible.>6) Therefore, without prices and without calculation of costs, profits and losses, it is impossible to have any economic rationality in the allocation of scarce resources, which means that a planned economy is, paradoxically, impossible to be planned.