>>14416720 I made a similar thread but it got buried quickly.Most people here are actually allies, we all share a common enemy in the capitalist elite and true fascists. Most people here who spout right wing propaganda are very confused and deluded by lies and conspiracy theories that make them turn their anger on their fellow man instead of the 1% that has us all by the balls. I think even some of the most toxic-seeming people on this site would be unable to truly harm another person.
We are all genuinely in this mess together. I choose to forego labels like "communism" because the world I envision is one we've never seen, and therefore has no appropriate name and no true precedent. But I still think it's possible.
Everyone who right now defines themselves as a fascist or whatever isn't truly committed to the atrocities they would need to condone or participate in under actual fascism. True fascists are rare, and they likely aren't arguing with us on 4chan. They are embedded in influential organizations, making handshakes in backrooms with other politicians and businessmen. Most people here are working-class, and very angry and very confused, as is anyone. They've got an air to put on, but I dont think they mean it. They say they hate jews, blacks, trannies, gays, etc etc etc. But I don't buy it. I see most people as good deep down.
I hope they know that it's never too late to work together and make the planet a better place to live.
I really think ppl should watch this vid still