>>20918903PS -- Father, I am going to tell you truth which you may never have heard and which certainly no one in your polite & obsequious company would ever have dared tell you plainly, but which many faithful Catholics or many others who yet earnestly desire to remain Catholics, dismayingly, speak about with increasing frequency. This is the issue of conversion. Conversion to Orthodoxy, and , even, to Islam, as the only way to reamain faithful to Christ, and/or to have any hope of redressing the current satanis degeneracy of our societies; respectively.
It is axiomatic that without religion, a connection to God, no civilization is possible (beyond 1 or maybe 2 generations). Accordingly, many think that Orthodoxy is the true way, and/or that failing that at least Islam will re-establish normalcy, honor and right-thinking and have the strength to impose it unabashedly, nd for the common good. And. then there is always Dharma. Father, people want normal lives, decent and with hope for the future, and if the Catholic Church cannot or will not lead them, they will go to those who can deliver the goods. Either metaphysically or on a down-to-earth level.
As a man of God, you have been entrusted with the Keys, by vocation and vows you have assumed this. Please fight with us, and guide us, for that is your raison-d'etre! As a European, seeing the irredeemable degeneracy, I also have toyed with the idea that maybe Orthodxy and even Iskam might be the way to save our lives, our families, our nations and our civilization. I want to believe, tell me it ain't so, but to not me specifically, because I am too old, stubbornly faithful, and, frankly, autistic, but to the people, the Pleb; what shall you say to them; how shall you regain their trust?
Anons, please back me up on this, if you find truth in my words! This Good Priest must know this and pass it on among his circle!
Father, please consider this as a true testimony, and make it known.