Quoted By:
>In these uncertain, trying times of the new normal, as citizens of the global village must come together, but apart, and build back better with some extended length temporary global rules to kick start the 4th Industrial revolution with the USA at its helm:
>You WILL stay home for over a year
>You WILL social distance
>You WILL wear the mask
>You WILL wear the mask while eating
>You WILL wear the mask while sleeping
>You WILL flatten the curve
>You WILL record and report anti-maskers
>You WILL obey the curfew
>You WILL take the vaccine
>You WILL support permanent social distancing
>You WILL eat the maggot chips
>You WILL eat the bugs
>You WILL consume estrogen
>You WILL believe in the moon landing
>You WILL believe in climate change
>You WILL stop believing in chemtrails
>You WILL allow the police to search your home
>You WILL cut contact with loved ones
>You WILL get circumcised
>You WILL give up your privacy and freedom
>You WILL embrace mass surveillance for your safety
>You WILL take the meds
>You WILL protest and riot in defense of criminals
>You WILL take a knee for Black Lives Matter
>You WILL accept white fragility
>You WILL refrain from asking hate questions
>You WILL punch Nazis
>You WILL donate to BLM
>You WILL use the pronouns
>You WILL reject Christ
>You WILL destroy God’s creation
>You WILL inject your son with HRT
>You WILL accept there are 40 genders
>You WILL pay for POC’s welfare
>You WILL be jailed for being right-wing
>You WILL have your street closed down for LGBT parades
>You WILL watch state-sponsored race mixing propaganda
>You WILL accept that anti-Chinese sentiment is racism
>You WILL support anti-white racism
>You WILL embrace demographic replacement
>You WILL have no spiritual beliefs
>You WILL kneel when the George Floyd anthem plays
>You WILL clap for our BLM health heroes
>You WILL admit to institutionalized racism
>You WILL believe blacks cannot be racist
>You WILL own nothing
>and you will NOT be happy either