turns out baalbek, the temple dedicated to Baal, (which i believe is just another name of satan) has a big hexagon (you know, like on saturns northpole) in its structure in the front. turns out that if you connect the south western with the northeastern corner of the pentagram, and elongate the lines towards south west it matches quite perfectly the northeastern and southwestern corner of the great pyramid according to this
https://archive.org/details/SecretsInPlainSightVolume2at around 30:20
connecting the northwestern and south eastern corner of the same pyramid, and elongate it to the northwest that one will lead you precisely to the pyramid shaped arena in memphis showing that not only the ancients builded absolutely precice across couple hundred kilometer, but also that (((they))) know about such things
>>7602605Yuya was a man from a lower class that happened to rise to become a close associate of the pharao, like the bible says joseph did. It does mention though that his body was brought back, out of egypt, but who knows if it actually remained there?
As for paleo hebrew, i dont need a researcher to see the obvious similarity between the symbols, what its from a single guy though is the translation of the tablet i provided. also how can linguistics proof anything but that they lived closed to another as that resulted in the common language?
>7Her dignitaries were brighter than snow, whiter than milk; their bodies were more ruddy than rubies, their appearance like sapphires. 8But now their appearance is blacker than soot; they are not recognized in the streets. Their skin has shriveled on their bones; it has become as dry as a sticknote, first they were white, then something happened. probably the captivity of assyrians, and then suddenly there were dark people
or Esau is described as being completely red at birth implying red hair, a trait mostly found in white people where as esau was the twin brother of Jacob, the father of the 12 tribes.