>>18213367>>18213610Hii everyone!! Good morning!! I just woke up, feeling very refreshed and ready to post again after so long... I'm so happy you guys noticed my absense aww!!! I'm sorry i made you worry about me, I did mention a family member from michigan was here, remember i told posho i was going to ask her about arkansas heh. She's my mum's sister and she took me to touch the grass again, this time to a seaside resort for like a week along with some other family members... it was alright i guess, there was no internet because it cost extra or smt and you're supposed to spend the time touching the grass not using the internet...still a little mad about that since i wanted it to be a surprise when I got a new ip a couple threads ago. I came back last night but immediately went to bed...Anyway its good to spend time with family but also with friends, i missed you all!! Russy, stirby, posho, polly, and yes even victorian lady enjoyer who is currently in bootcamp and cant read this, ganbare!!