>>19683620>[Yeah, the Crab. The one that just beat Kelly DiVanna. You know, the girl with your name claiming to be 'Kelly number one'. I guess she's not wrong. She is the only Kelly wrestling right now. With her partner, what's her name? She has some crazy initials. Something unique. One of a kind. Oh, that's right, K-F'n-O. Sound familiar? Probably not because NO ANNOUNCERS HAVE SAID THEM FOR YOU IN A WHILE. Do you see what happening? You're being replaced. And I'm saying this as you, K-B-G-O. You're being replaced.]. . .
>[Finally getting through to you, huh? Who the fuck even are you anymore?]I'm… Kelly Omega.
>[You sound like that Dojo kid with the scarf. Pathetic. Say it properly.]I'm Kelly Omega. The only GODDESS in this company or all of professional wrestling.
>[Getting there. And what are you going to do about it?]I think I'll--
>[Not a fucking chance. The One Winged, No Wanged, ZERO-FUCKS-GIVEN Angel needs to fly again. And you can't do that with an Immaculate Brain telling the world that you've gone soft with no reply. SO DON'T THINK. Choose your weapon, aim, exhale, and shoot.]. . .
>[Colby Jefferson.]Colby Jefferson.