>>13509847>winningThis is the world in which death exists, and that's the crown of their victory.
Satanists/luciferians/whateverthefuck have all lost themselves in their ego and have become temporal fractured beings. They are literal idiots who have failed to realize the eternal awareness that is the same through all of your life. Yes, there is a constant awareness in your 2 year old self and your 80 year old self. That awareness remains the exact same as it was when you had 2 years, 1 year, even when you didn't exist in matter.
Know what's funny? A luciferian will read this and fail to understand it, because God has put a veil over their eyes. They think they are ego, constantly-changing temporal manifestation of the eternal self, and with ego they intend to break the reason of their existence, believing that they are striking against God.
Holy holy holy is His name. The ego that is the face of their rebellion will face the final death and their eternal self will be free from Satan.