>>17425010>why would a corrupt government tell everyone there's a deep-state coup in progress to arrest current politicians for corruption. some of which are still embedded six years later?so I understand the argument, there's kind of two arguments here, 1) the government isn't going to arrest itself, and 2) they wouldn't telegraph it.
The short version is, 1) Q was done by a small loyal group of patriots in military intelligence. 2) the entire Q program describes a LONG TERM MULTI YEAR process involving a slow-roll of information through orchestrated news events to 'redpill' the public about what's going on.
You can't just come out and say, "hey everyone, a candidate who got about 50% of the vote a while ago, is a satanic witch who dines on the blood of children." and then arrest and execute her, and have that be ok.
You'd have massive protests, lots of violence, and rightfully so, anyone should incredulous if the government arrests a political figure, particularly if they have some far-fetched theory of why they're doing it.
So how do you get from the point A of 2016 politics to the point B of publicly arresting and executing people who are not only traitors to this country and are deliberately weakening it, but also are part of a literal satanic cult?
And how would military intelligence go about solving that problem? What tools are they comfortable using?
They'd use pysops. That's what Q is, a psychological operation meant to give a wink and a nod to the most patriotic among us that "the movie" is happening and not to interrupt it.
In a way it is like Operation Trust, except Operation Trust was intended to allow a tyrannical government to get into power, this is the folly, The Deep State has been in power for a long time