, amd perhaps they have their greys, in which case they are testing systems on reporting, or just dont care due to hubris. suburbs here: affluent, middle class, lots of guns, lots of families that could fall on either side. would,like to,prevent powder-keg. weather appears to cooperate.
Antif trying to make my AO the new hotspot since its on the sleepy side, but crawling with rats. Assuming they will,continue penetration til reaching desired. Target. Police force semi-comp'd, sheriff comp'd (Fucking PISSES me off :)) so looking to state level for support. Gov called in hundreds NG to my AO. based Gov.
Sage (ID: gULftUG/) 06/04/20(Thu)20:22:19 No.10459593
>>10460868 (You)
Anonymous (ID: gULftUG/) 06/04/20(Thu)20:23:46 No.10459600
>>10460868 (You)
>>10459109Oh, gee. Oops, again
I'm learning as I go. Thanks.
Reimu !R2p4NReiMU (ID: a0t4MIba)
Anonymous (ID: gULftUG/) 06/04/20(Thu)20:42:18 No.10459679
And, just like that, it was undone.
I reeeeally looked forward for further guidance and commentary from our iIllustrious Host, who was not finished yet.
Too bad.
Anonymous (ID: 9NLOHb6T) 06/04/20(Thu)20:49:36 No.10459703
apologies i was taking a shower
Anonymous (ID: gULftUG/) 06/04/20(Thu)21:00:13 No.10459734
>>10460868 (You)
>>10459235Oh, ouch. Godspeed on all accounts.